Auto Accidents are not fun

| Auto Accidents

Being Prepared

What should you do when you’re in an accident? If you’re in an auto accident, don’t panic and think clearly. Accidents happen to the best of drivers.

Injuries can leave you in a wheelchair

| Slip/Trip and Falls

Injured on someone else’s property

Slips, falls, back injuries, injuries you may be entitled to compensation. Having the right information can give peace of mind.

Wrongful death

| Wrongful Death

Peace of mind when the worst happens

When life changes in a moment, we are here to provide the representation you deserve, every step in the journey.

Estate Planning is good planning

| Estate Planning

Don’t wait until it is too late

Planning for the future is important. Planning for the end is just as vital. We will help you plan to give you a peace of mind for your family.

Probate is a bad place to be

| Probate

Transfer of assets after death

This is a court proceeding to transfer assets of someone who passed away. An attorney should be retained for legal proceedings.

Request an Appointment

Please submit your inquiry and our office will contact you as soon as possible.